
agent orange
Beiträge: 922
Registriert: Mo 7. Feb 2022, 07:21
Wohnort: Großherzogtum Baden



Beitrag von agent orange »

Mir ist binnen 3 Stunden der rechner 2mal abgeraucht. Kann jamend was aus dem Protokoll auslesen?

CreativeCloud UI Helper:
Process: Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer) [1207]
Path: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/*/Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer)
Identifier: com.adobe.acc.HEXHelper.Renderer
Version: (
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: Exited process [603]
User ID: 502

Date/Time: 2023-07-28 14:35:45.3075 +0200
OS Version: macOS 12.6.6 (21G646)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: B38B8B14-FF1E-D533-3D26-381D351824D9

Time Awake Since Boot: 8800 seconds

System Integrity Protection: disabled

Crashed Thread: 34 ACPLSDKThread15

Exception Codes: UNKNOWN_0xD at 0x0000000000000000
Exception Codes: 0x000000000000000d, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process: exc handler [1207]

VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4514152448
__TEXT 10d108000-10d1d0000 [ 800K] r-x/r-x SM=COW (Renderer)

Thread 0:: CrRendererMain Dispatch queue:
0 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11b028d12 cef_time_delta + 8496434
1 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11b02ad87 cef_time_delta + 8504743
2 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dddc189 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 9813737
3 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11ee55157 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 27086519
4 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x12223ea48 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 81520552
5 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x12223dab8 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 81516568
6 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1222406b7 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 81527831
7 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x12224bddd ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 81574717
8 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a8a5ac4 cef_time_delta + 619236
9 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11ac474f8 cef_time_delta + 4427032
10 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11ac4706b cef_time_delta + 4425867
11 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a8473a5 cef_time_delta + 232389
12 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11afefe8c cef_time_delta + 8263340
13 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11b00a089 cef_time_delta + 8370345
14 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11b009d2d cef_time_delta + 8369485
15 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11b00a398 cef_time_delta + 8371128
16 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11afefe36 cef_time_delta + 8263254
17 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11afd66ab cef_time_delta + 8158923
18 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11afd4984 cef_time_delta + 8151460
19 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11afd4662 cef_time_delta + 8150658
20 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a8a4a60 cef_time_delta + 615040
21 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a8a3f5d cef_time_delta + 612221
22 ??? 0x134fff0ee38 ???
23 ??? 0x134e03f703a ???
24 ??? 0x134e06845ae ???
25 ??? 0x134e02621fb ???
26 ??? 0x134e04af412 ???
27 ??? 0x134e06a22e8 ???
28 ??? 0x134e025903c ???
29 ??? 0x134e0258e7e ???
30 ??? 0x134e04acb67 ???
31 ??? 0x134e04a5cc5 ???
32 ??? 0x134e04ac66b ???
33 ??? 0x134e02629b0 ???
34 ??? 0x134e0694190 ???
35 ??? 0x134e04ac0ab ???
36 ??? 0x134e058dca9 ???
37 ??? 0x134e05756c8 ???
38 ??? 0x134e05b0b7f ???
39 ??? 0x134e06b2003 ???
40 ??? 0x134e06b21a6 ???
41 ??? 0x134ffe8a09c ???
42 ??? 0x134ffe89dc7 ???
43 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a94c133 cef_time_delta + 1300819
44 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a94b886 cef_time_delta + 1298598
45 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a852360 cef_time_delta + 277376
46 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1216d630b ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 69558379
47 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a6aeb63 0x11a317000 + 3767139
48 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1225e8bee ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 85363022
49 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1225e8f25 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 85363845
50 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1219a9792 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 72520946
51 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1219aa912 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 72525426
52 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x12233d93d ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 82564765
53 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de68ef3 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10390611
54 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11c290ecc napi_get_js_engine + 16483692
55 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de50ec5 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10292261
56 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de653fd ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10375517
57 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de64fed ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10374477
58 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de65952 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10376882
59 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dea6d6e ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10644174
60 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a4a85c6 0x11a317000 + 1643974
61 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dea641f ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10641791
62 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8085c8f49 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20
63 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8085c8a38 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 923
64 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8085c85a8 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 307
65 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8085aecb6 __CFRunLoopRun + 2010
66 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8085ade1c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 562
67 Foundation 0x7ff80940cd3a -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 216
68 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dea7321 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10645633
69 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dea5ff0 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10640720
70 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de65b79 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10377433
71 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11de3564c ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 10179500
72 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x1233cc975 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 99927765
73 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dbc7796 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 7632118
74 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dbc80f7 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 7634519
75 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dbc6f9e ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 7630078
76 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11dbc70b7 ChromeAppModeStart_v6 + 7630359
77 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a7767c6 cef_zip_reader_create + 390246
78 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a74e097 cef_zip_reader_create + 224567
79 Chromium Embedded Framework 0x11a6c13fc cef_execute_process + 172
80 Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer) 0x10d18abf7 CefExecuteProcess(CefMainArgs const&, scoped_refptr<CefApp>, void*) + 151
81 Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer) 0x10d10ceca main + 602
82 dyld 0x10d7db52e start + 462

Process: WindowServer [-1]
Path: ???
Identifier: WindowServer
Version: ???
Code Type: 00000000 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [Unknown]
User ID:

Date/Time: 2023-07-28 14:36:16.4660 +0200
OS Version: macOS 12.6.6 (21G646)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: B38B8B14-FF1E-D533-3D26-381D351824D9

System Integrity Protection:

resampled 223 of 3711 threads with truncated backtraces from 0 pids:
resampled 0 of 68 images missing from 109 pids: 109,117,157,165,250,253,275,289,299,317,326,373,386,406,539,562,568,575,604,608,610,632,634,638,705,724,758,866,941,972,973,988,990,1015,1025,1048,1060,1069,1075,1076,1077,1078,1100,1111,1115,1137,1168,1197,1198,1206,1234,1278,1313,1413,1419,1443,1510,1511,1558,1602,1610,1611,1615,1652,1653,1654,1656,1657,1658,1659,1666,1667,1668,1678,1844,1845,1885,1886,1891,1895,1897,1898,1899,1938,1947,2303,2352,2617,2619,2631,2632,2641,2642,2644,2774,3072,3073,3346,3347,3429,3430,3515,3516,3599,3600,3635,3742,3809,3810
8 unindexed user-stack frames from 3 pids: 103,1148,1207
This is a watchdog-triggered termination event, and not expected to be well-represented in the legacy crash format

Crashed Thread: Unknown

Exception Type:

Termination Reason: Namespace WATCHDOG, Code 1 monitoring timed out for service
(1 monitored services unresponsive): checkin with service: WindowServer returned not alive with context:
unresponsive dispatch queue(s): unresponsive work processor(s): WindowServer main thread
40 seconds since last successful checkin, 869 total successsful checkins since load (0 induced crashes)

Error Formulating Crash Report:
resampled 223 of 3711 threads with truncated backtraces from 0 pids:
resampled 0 of 68 images missing from 109 pids: 109,117,157,165,250,253,275,289,299,317,326,373,386,406,539,562,568,575,604,608,610,632,634,638,705,724,758,866,941,972,973,988,990,1015,1025,1048,1060,1069,1075,1076,1077,1078,1100,1111,1115,1137,1168,1197,1198,1206,1234,1278,1313,1413,1419,1443,1510,1511,1558,1602,1610,1611,1615,1652,1653,1654,1656,1657,1658,1659,1666,1667,1668,1678,1844,1845,1885,1886,1891,1895,1897,1898,1899,1938,1947,2303,2352,2617,2619,2631,2632,2641,2642,2644,2774,3072,3073,3346,3347,3429,3430,3515,3516,3599,3600,3635,3742,3809,3810
8 unindexed user-stack frames from 3 pids: 103,1148,1207
This is a watchdog-triggered termination event, and not expected to be well-represented in the legacy crash format

Backtrace not available

No thread state (register information) available

Binary Images:
Binary images description not available

Full Report

{"bundleID":"WindowServer","timestamp":"2023-07-28 14:36:16.00 +0200","os_version":"macOS 12.6.6 (21G646)","incident_id":"858FD5BC-4873-49F1-A34A-1C26F21C235E","share_with_app_devs":0,"bug_type":"309","app_name":"WindowServer","name":"WindowServer"}
"deployVersion" : 210,
"variant" : "stackshot",
"incident" : "858FD5BC-4873-49F1-A34A-1C26F21C235E",
"crashReporterKey" : "B38B8B14-FF1E-D533-3D26-381D351824D9",
"modelCode" : "iMac19,1",
"cpuType" : "00000000",
"osVersion" : {
"train" : "macOS 12.6.6",
"build" : "21G646",
"releaseType" : "User"
"variantVersion" : 2,
"captureTime" : "2023-07-28 14:36:16.4660 +0200",
"pid" : -1,
"procName" : "WindowServer",
"bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleIdentifier":"WindowServer"},
"termination" : {"flags":0,"indicator":"monitoring timed out for service","code":1,"namespace":"WATCHDOG","details":["(1 monitored services unresponsive): checkin with service: WindowServer returned not alive with context:","unresponsive dispatch queue(s): unresponsive work processor(s): WindowServer main thread","40 seconds since last successful checkin, 869 total successsful checkins since load (0 induced crashes)"]},
"stackshot" : {
"processByPid" : {


Process: logd [-1]
Path: ???
Identifier: logd
Version: ???
Code Type: 00000000 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [Unknown]
User ID:

Date/Time: 2023-07-28 14:35:10.4845 +0200
OS Version: macOS 12.6.6 (21G646)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: B38B8B14-FF1E-D533-3D26-381D351824D9

System Integrity Protection:

resampled 353 of 3686 threads with truncated backtraces from 0 pids:
resampled 0 of 68 images missing from 109 pids: 109,117,157,165,250,253,275,289,299,317,326,373,386,406,539,562,568,575,604,608,610,632,634,638,705,724,758,866,941,972,973,988,990,1015,1025,1048,1060,1069,1075,1076,1077,1078,1100,1111,1115,1137,1168,1197,1198,1206,1234,1278,1313,1413,1419,1443,1510,1511,1558,1602,1610,1611,1615,1652,1653,1654,1656,1657,1658,1659,1666,1667,1668,1678,1844,1845,1885,1886,1891,1895,1897,1898,1899,1938,1947,2303,2352,2617,2619,2631,2632,2641,2642,2644,2774,3072,3073,3346,3347,3429,3430,3515,3516,3599,3600,3635,3742,3809,3810
8 unindexed user-stack frames from 3 pids: 103,1148,1207
This is a watchdog-triggered termination event, and not expected to be well-represented in the legacy crash format

Crashed Thread: Unknown

Exception Type:

Termination Reason: Namespace WATCHDOG, Code 1 monitoring timed out for service
(1 monitored services unresponsive): checkin with service: logd returned not alive with context:
unresponsive dispatch queue(s):
40 seconds since last successful checkin, 878 total successsful checkins since load

Error Formulating Crash Report:
resampled 353 of 3686 threads with truncated backtraces from 0 pids:
resampled 0 of 68 images missing from 109 pids: 109,117,157,165,250,253,275,289,299,317,326,373,386,406,539,562,568,575,604,608,610,632,634,638,705,724,758,866,941,972,973,988,990,1015,1025,1048,1060,1069,1075,1076,1077,1078,1100,1111,1115,1137,1168,1197,1198,1206,1234,1278,1313,1413,1419,1443,1510,1511,1558,1602,1610,1611,1615,1652,1653,1654,1656,1657,1658,1659,1666,1667,1668,1678,1844,1845,1885,1886,1891,1895,1897,1898,1899,1938,1947,2303,2352,2617,2619,2631,2632,2641,2642,2644,2774,3072,3073,3346,3347,3429,3430,3515,3516,3599,3600,3635,3742,3809,3810
8 unindexed user-stack frames from 3 pids: 103,1148,1207
This is a watchdog-triggered termination event, and not expected to be well-represented in the legacy crash format

Backtrace not available

No thread state (register information) available

Binary Images:
Binary images description not available

Full Report

{"bundleID":"logd","timestamp":"2023-07-28 14:35:10.00 +0200","os_version":"macOS 12.6.6 (21G646)","incident_id":"1B741D14-E79B-42FE-ABB7-0F437DC4644E","share_with_app_devs":0,"bug_type":"309","app_name":"logd","name":"logd"}
"deployVersion" : 210,
"variant" : "stackshot",
"incident" : "1B741D14-E79B-42FE-ABB7-0F437DC4644E",
"crashReporterKey" : "B38B8B14-FF1E-D533-3D26-381D351824D9",
"modelCode" : "iMac19,1",
"cpuType" : "00000000",
"osVersion" : {
"train" : "macOS 12.6.6",
"build" : "21G646",
"releaseType" : "User"
"variantVersion" : 2,
"captureTime" : "2023-07-28 14:35:10.4845 +0200",
"pid" : -1,
"procName" : "logd",
"bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleIdentifier":"logd"},
"termination" : {"flags":0,"indicator":"monitoring timed out for service","code":1,"namespace":"WATCHDOG","details":["(1 monitored services unresponsive): checkin with service: logd returned not alive with context:","unresponsive dispatch queue(s):","40 seconds since last successful checkin, 878 total successsful checkins since load"]},
"stackshot" : {
"processByPid" : {
Nö eilt nicht, reicht bis morgen.
Beiträge: 6133
Registriert: So 6. Mär 2022, 11:03
Wohnort: Zwischen Buch- und Weinpresse


Beitrag von Macmacfriend »

Liefen mehrere RAM-hungrige Adobe-Programme gleichzeitig? Du könntest die Situation wiederholen und dir in der Aktivitätsanzeige die RAM-Auslastung ansehen.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!
Beiträge: 3285
Registriert: Mo 7. Feb 2022, 13:30


Beitrag von obmat »

ist das der Rechner mit der neuen GraKa??

"any things could generate a segmentation fault. This error means that the process tried to access an area of memory it did not alocated previously. This could be due to a bug in the software, a hacker trying to force a Denial of Service (DoS) on your web server, incorrect shared memory settings (SHM), or a faulty memory card, among other possible causes.

Anyone would need lots of more information to help you with your error. For example: can you reproduce the error (I do XXX and then I see the segmentation faut). Which modules are active on your httpd? Are you running using any third-part modules or applications inside your httpd server? Which is the MPM module active on your httpd? Which is release of httpd and the underlying OS?2
agent orange
Beiträge: 922
Registriert: Mo 7. Feb 2022, 07:21
Wohnort: Großherzogtum Baden


Beitrag von agent orange »

Macmacfriend hat geschrieben: Fr 28. Jul 2023, 14:11 Liefen mehrere RAM-hungrige Adobe-Programme gleichzeitig? Du könntest die Situation wiederholen und dir in der Aktivitätsanzeige die RAM-Auslastung ansehen.
Photoshop und Indesign waren am start. Nix dramatisches. rechner hat 40 GB RAM
Nö eilt nicht, reicht bis morgen.
agent orange
Beiträge: 922
Registriert: Mo 7. Feb 2022, 07:21
Wohnort: Großherzogtum Baden


Beitrag von agent orange »

obmat hat geschrieben: Fr 28. Jul 2023, 15:10 ist das der Rechner mit der neuen GraKa??

"any things could generate a segmentation fault. This error means that the process tried to access an area of memory it did not alocated previously. This could be due to a bug in the software, a hacker trying to force a Denial of Service (DoS) on your web server, incorrect shared memory settings (SHM), or a faulty memory card, among other possible causes.

Anyone would need lots of more information to help you with your error. For example: can you reproduce the error (I do XXX and then I see the segmentation faut). Which modules are active on your httpd? Are you running using any third-part modules or applications inside your httpd server? Which is the MPM module active on your httpd? Which is release of httpd and the underlying OS?2
Ne, nix neue GraKa.
Nö eilt nicht, reicht bis morgen.